[Gc] BDWGC and tagged pointers
John Mastro
2016-03-15 18:39:48 UTC

I suspect this question is quite basic, but I haven't been able to
figure it out on my own.

I'm implementing a small programming language and would like to use
BDWGC for garbage collection. I'm using tagged pointers, where the 3
least-significant bits can carry a type tag. The tagged value may be
either an immediate (e.g. an integer) or a pointer. In other words, I
have something like this:

typedef intptr_t object;

#define TAG_BITS 3
#define VAL_MASK -(1 << TAG_BITS)

enum obj_tag { TAG_INT = 1, TAG_LIST };

typedef struct {
object head, tail;
} obj_list;

#define make_integer(i) (((i) << TAG_BITS) + TAG_INT)
#define extract_integer(o) ((o) >> TAG_BITS)

object make_list(object head, object tail)
obj_list *list = /* allocate it */;
list->head = head;
list->tail = tail;
return ((intptr_t)list) + TAG_LIST;

#define extract_list(o) ((void *)((o) & VAL_MASK))

... which I think is pretty standard/boring. However, I believe I need
to teach BDWGC about this tagging, so it knows these `object` values may
(or may not) represent pointers, and I'm not sure how to do that.

Are there any documents, examples, or other help on how to accomplish


John Mastro
Brian Beuning
2016-03-15 19:03:27 UTC
Maybe configuring INTERIOR_POINTERS would help.

Brian Beuning
Work: 770 564 5616
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----- Original Message -----
From: "John Mastro" <***@gmail.com>
To: ***@lists.opendylan.org
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 2:39:48 PM
Subject: [Gc] BDWGC and tagged pointers


I suspect this question is quite basic, but I haven't been able to
figure it out on my own.

I'm implementing a small programming language and would like to use
BDWGC for garbage collection. I'm using tagged pointers, where the 3
least-significant bits can carry a type tag. The tagged value may be
either an immediate (e.g. an integer) or a pointer. In other words, I
have something like this:

typedef intptr_t object;

#define TAG_BITS 3
#define VAL_MASK -(1 << TAG_BITS)

enum obj_tag { TAG_INT = 1, TAG_LIST };

typedef struct {
object head, tail;
} obj_list;

#define make_integer(i) (((i) << TAG_BITS) + TAG_INT)
#define extract_integer(o) ((o) >> TAG_BITS)

object make_list(object head, object tail)
obj_list *list = /* allocate it */;
list->head = head;
list->tail = tail;
return ((intptr_t)list) + TAG_LIST;

#define extract_list(o) ((void *)((o) & VAL_MASK))

... which I think is pretty standard/boring. However, I believe I need
to teach BDWGC about this tagging, so it knows these `object` values may
(or may not) represent pointers, and I'm not sure how to do that.

Are there any documents, examples, or other help on how to accomplish


John Mastro
Basile Starynkevitch
2016-03-15 19:06:30 UTC
Post by John Mastro
... which I think is pretty standard/boring. However, I believe I need
to teach BDWGC about this tagging, so it knows these `object` values may
(or may not) represent pointers, and I'm not sure how to do that.
Are there any documents, examples, or other help on how to accomplish
As an example, look into the source code of Bigloo or HOP runtime

Basile STARYNKEVITCH http://starynkevitch.net/Basile/
email: basile<at>starynkevitch<dot>net mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mine, sont seulement les miennes} ***